Welcome to our Fungi Files!
Here you will find our ever-growing body of reference information about mushrooms. Although mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to support the body in so many ways, knowledge of medicinal mushrooms in our western world is sparse but quickly growing. Our goal is not just to sell products, but to be a resource to learn about mushrooms and their benefits in a transparent way so that you can be a responsible steward of your health and well being. We do not and cannot make any specific health claims for any mushroom or mushroom product. What we can do is summarize the most basic supportive benefits. We also believe it is important to summarize for you the actual research and provide you with as many direct links as possible so that you may review and interpret the research yourself. Well, that is what we had hoped to do! BUT… Changes, changes, changes.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: You may notice that our new fungi files are MUCH more general and we have removed all links to any published research. :( Yes, this is disappointing & frustrating. Here’s the WHY behind this change in our educational materials and Fungi Files:
We had a visit from our friends at the FDA and they let us know that we are prohibited from offering you links to any of the published research that we utilize to support our structure function claims.
By linking to the research, we in essence are assumed to be making that specific claim that our product will do what is referenced in the study (even if we tell you we are only making structure function claims and no specific health claims to treat any specific health condition as discussed above). We can no longer provide you that level of educational links.
We still want you to do your own research and take responsibility for your wellness journey. Here is how we do all our research:
use Google Scholar (this is a different search engine than regular google and will return more science based research but wider than just PubMed).
From Google Scholar, type in the mushroom name + whatever health condition you are interested in. You will be brought to LOTS and LOTS of research.
But NOTE!!! Be careful when you review research:
Note the preparations, doses, study conditions and the actual magnitude of the effects.
Look at the general overview of what a bunch of the research is showing, not specifically about the conditions. That is how you will see that the research supports the structure/function claims that we have registered with the FDA.
Zoterro is a GREAT application to save and organize links to all the research you find. We have a HUGE library of studies cataloged by mushroom and health topic and even research on preparations, etc.
We wish we could provide you more specific education through this platform, but alas, we cannot! It pains us to remove this valuable educational material from our website & we hope that you will take up this challenge to dive deeper into the scientific research available to you through the Google Scholar search engine.
As always, we wish you health, peace & happiness wherever you are in your healing journey.